Wisconsin Women’s Rugby’s 50th Anniversary

Save the date for May 30-31, 2025!

The Wisconsin Women’s Rugby Football Club is thrilled to announce its 50th Anniversary Celebration coming up in 2025! This milestone marks half a century of passion, teamwork, and excellence on and off the rugby field.

The big event will take place May 30-31, 2025! Plans are still in the works for a social hour in Madison on May 30 and rugby games (touch and full-contact) followed by a casual dinner on May 31 at the Wisconsin Rugby Sports Complex. Stay tuned for more details on this historic event!

Share your memories!

We want to gather as much info as we can about past WWRFC members and we want to know who you are! Even if you can’t make it to the 50th anniversary, please fill out this Google Form to tell us about your time with the WWRFC: favorite memories, past teammates/coaches, when you played, and anything else you want to share!

Want to contact us about the 50th anniversary? Please email us at wwrfc.alum.hist@gmail.com.